Services decrypt (decode) dump from audio skimmers in track 2 (and track 1 or 3):

1) Decrypt sound almost any difficulty (magnetic noise and jitter)
2) Decrypt any amount starting from one dump
3) No prepayments. Payment by results
4) Price of decrypt fixed from 25$/dump

The rules of make deal on auduo decode:

1) Download the file with sound

2) Send a link to sendspace me in contact with mark audio decode.

3) Occurs within 2 days of viewing your file and assign the final price. Price good quality 10 dolars 1 dump.

Example of good sound:

Example bad quality of sound:

With bad sound quality the price more expensive.

4) The decode write following:
00.01.55-00.02.15/ – timing, time of entrance and exit of card from ATM in format HOUR.MINUTE.SECOND.
The timing required for the correct mapping dumping with PTS.
4100410000008899=1410121Х9255088Х0000 – track 2. XX 2 figures closed.

5) Make a payment. More about payment you may read in section FAQ-PAYMENT.

6) Get full track with open figures XX